"Thawee" insists there are no 3 Uyghur letters opposing sending them back to China, points out that 5 Uyghur inmates at Klong Prem Prison only wrote to their wives. On March 3, 2015, Pol. Col. Thawee Sodsong, Minister of Justice, gave an interview on the case of the return of Uighurs to China, which has led to criticism of the Thai government rega
"Pichai" insists on helping farmers, asks for patience
"Pichai" insists on helping farmers, asks for patience, insists on pushing exports, attracting investment, promoting tourism, understands that farmers' suffering is the suffering of the country. Today (3 March 2015) at Government House, Mr. Pichai Naripthaphan, Minister of Commerce, gave an interview before the Cabinet meeting regarding the centra
"Decha Isara" asked the media, "What happened
"Decha Isara" asked the media, "What happened when you met Thaksin?" He thinks that the Democrat Party will raise its hands to support the PM in all debates. He believes that no one will resist because the Democrat Party is able to exist because of the party's resolution. ?????
Didn't make it to school! Driver teacher goes to teach
Didn't make it to school! Driver goes to teach students, faints, crashes into cars parked on the side of the road - houses, then flips over and lands on its back, fortunately no injuries or deaths On March 3, 2015, in Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya Province, a car belonging to a teacher at a school crashed into two cars on the side of the road and a hou
Sea of fire! Fire in Phimai sugarcane plantation
Sea of ??fire! Fire in Phimai sugarcane plantation spreads over 300 rai, farmers suffer damage, claim someone secretly set fire, causing it to spread and causing the heat to spike On March 3, 2015, in Nakhon Ratchasima Province, reporters reported that a fire broke out in a sugarcane plantation in Nong Rawiang Subdistrict, Phimai District, Nakhon